Passo Duron – Cascate di Salino
Our third route will take us to Passo Duron and the cascate di Salino. PStarting from our kilometre zero (the car park at Terme di Arta), ), we take our usual route flanking the main road (but avoiding the traffic). Direction:Paluzza!
The famous birthplace of Italian cross-country ski stars Giorgio and Manuela Di Centa. At km 7, having turned right off the main road to reach the village, we begin the climb towards Passo Duron.
Silent Alps BikExperience will guide you on an unusual variant to the steeper route made famous by the Giro di Italia. Having passed the hamlets of Englaro and Treppo Carnico, instead of going straight on towards a steep section that leads to Ligosullo,
we get you to turn left: you’ll cycle more kilometres but arrive at the same place.
However (to avoid misunderstandings), as soon as you turn left, you’ll find a pretty stiff climb, with gradients between 8 and 11% and peaks of 14%. This will take you through Tausia, where you can stop and admire the Pontaiba valley and see its highest point, Ligosullo, where we’re headed. Back on the bike and there’s a downhill stretch taking us to the pretty streets of Ligosullo. It’s wonderful to experience the peace of these little villages, and equally magnificent to rejoin the main road at km 14.5, and start climbing the hairpin bends to the top!
These tight bends (six in a kilometre) present one of the toughest moments in this first climb; the steepest gradient is 17%. After the sixth bend, the incline starts to level off, becoming completely flat at the most picturesque spot, where it’s obligatory to take a picture against the backdrop of Zoncolan and Monte Crostis. Leaving this natural terrace, there’s a brief descent to Forcella Lius, followed by a kilometre uphill through a lovely forest, taking us to the ultra-technical descent to Palauro. The last 3 km require great care. It’s extremely steep, with maximum gradient of 19%. At the village, you’ll cross a bridge over the Chiarso stream, which flows the full length of Paularo.
Following the stream, you leave the village on the secondary road. In front of you stands Monte Sernio (2187 m) in all its majesty. You’ll find it hard to take your eyes off the view until you turn right at km 25.0, heading towards Salino and its waterfalls. You’re riding on what the local people call the old Paularo road. Arriving in Salaro, don’t miss its waterfall at km 25.8. Its splashing noise awaits, breaking the silence that accompanies you for the whole of this beautiful – and now secondary – road, all the way to Arta Terme for a massage and a shower.
Distance: 37,8 Km
Elevation gain: + 940 mt
Max altitude: 1047 mt
Min altitude: 444 mt
Max gradient: 17%

Km 7,00
The turning to Paluzza
Km 9,8
Bear right following the main road.
Km 11,4
Watch out for the turning!! Go left for Tausia.
Km 22
Km 23,0
Descent to the turning for Salino.
Km 24,7
Turn right for Salino.
Km 25,8
Salino waterfall.
Km 26,
The descent to Arta Terme.

Arta Terme Benessere Alpino
Via Nazionale, n. 1
33022 Arta Terme (UD)