Zoncolan da Sutrio
And here’s the biggest mistake made by cyclists in Friuli: the myth of the “easy Zoncolan” route from Sutrio. NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Allow us to state this, as yours truly has climbed Zoncolan from Ovaro (the route everyone thinks is the toughest) 125 times to date, so we know what we’re talking about.
In fact, the inclusion of this among our SOFT routes is something we need to explain. We’ve actually planned it as the sixth day, after a week of getting used to Friuli’s climbs.
This ascent is one of the most challenging in Italy, at 9.5 km with a substantial average gradient of 8.1%, an average distorted by some stretches that are almost flat.
The best part – or the worst, if you prefer – comes in the 10th kilometre (after a kilometre with an average of 2.5%), when we find ourselves facing 3 km at an average of 14%, consisting of a series of ramps (3 main ones with peaks of 20%) and plateaus, which also distort the average.
We think we’ve given a fairly accurate description of the hell you’ll suffer, and focused very little on the wonderful aspects you’ll find as you scale this scenic ascent with fabulous views.
Spectacular panoramas over the But valley and gorgeous mountain huts at km 9.5 for a break, where you can choose to continue or turn back, postponing the adventure for another day but still having completed a wonderful climb.